Working Group Notes
31 Oct 06
Case studies—examples to inform how much you need to know to implement the matrix tool do this from a couple different perspectives
Still too complex from a user's standpoint—how to simplify this?
Thom—can you overlay the axes with more simplified elements??? Add to weight score the option of whether the user is interested in scoring them at that time
Initial building of the matrix is the biggest aspect to contend with
Direction of the interaction—force the user to choose, or have the option of choosing uncertainty
Scale for whole system identified by user
Scale for ecosystem service doesn't need to be defined because assumed its at same scale as defined ecosystem
Scale for impacts point source, multiple point sources, difuse
Documentation (text, citations): optional for all interaction cells as well as when weighting the ecosystem services and determining scale of impacts
Covariance interaction cells will be the same as interaction matrix, except for feedback cells which will just be 0-3 with no direction
Aoxia/Hypoxia listed on both axes
Ecosystem services/Drivers axes should be categorized in a hierarchical structure. Use MA for ecosystem services categories and prob make up categories for drivers
User information how to make the tool useful for both individuals and in a collaborative format
Could this tool be integrated into other tools that managers already use—ie population models, or scenario planning